On 3/5/2021 Jeff added this additional information: Hi, You will find below the Table of Contents for each volume of the two volume Hubert Harrison biography. Each volume can be obtained from Columbia University Press at 20% discount by using code “CUP20”. Please share this information with others and please see if you can help to get these volumes in your local and/or college/university libraries. Thank you. Table of Contents for "Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism, 1883-1918" -- List of Illustrations Preface and Acknowledgments A Note on Usage Introduction Part I. Intellectual Growth and Development 1. Crucian Roots (1883–1900) 2. Self-Education, Early Writings, and the Lyceums (1900–1907) 3. In Full-Touch with the Life of My People (1907–1909) 4. Secular Thought, Radical Critiques, and Criticism of Booker T. Washington (1905–1911) Part II. Socialist Radical 5. Hope in Socialism (1911) 6. Socialist Writer and Speaker (1912) 7. Dissatisfaction with the Party (1913–1914) 8. Toward Independence (1914–1915) Part III. The "New Negro Movement" 9. Focus on Harlem: The Birth of the "New Negro Movement" (1915–1917) 10. Founding the Liberty League and "The Voice" (April–September 1917) 11. Race-Conscious Activism and Organizational Difficulties (August–December 1917) 12. The Liberty Congress and the Resurrection of "The Voice" (January–July 1918) Appendix: Harrison on His Character Abbreviations Notes Select Bibliography Index Table of Contents for "Hubert Harrison: The Struggle for Equality, 1918-1927” (Columbia University Press, December 2020) -- A Note on Usage Introduction Part I: “New Negro Movement” Editor and Activist 1. Return to Harlem and Resurrection of "The Voice" (July–December 1918) 2. Political Activities in Washington and Virginia (January–July 1919) 3. "New Negro" Editor and Agitator (July–December 1919) Part II: Editor of the "Negro World" 4. Reshaping the "Negro World" and Comments on Garvey (December 1919–May 1920) 5. Debate with "The Emancipator" (March–April 1920) 6. Early "Negro World" Writings (January–July 1920) 7. The 1920 UNIA Convention and Influence on Garvey (August–November 1920) 8. Post-Convention Meditations, Writings, and Reviews (September–December 1920) 9. Early 1921 "Negro World" Writings and Reviews (January–April 1921) 10. The Liberty League, Tulsa, and Mid-1921 Writings (May–September 1921) 11. "Negro World" Writings and Reviews (September 1921–April 1922) 12. The Period of Garvey’s Arrest (October 1921–March 1922) Part III: “Free-lance Educator” 13. Lecturer, Book Reviewer, and Citizenship (March 1922–June 1923) 14. The KKK, Garvey’s Conviction, Speaking, Virgin Islands, and Reviews (1923) 15. "Boston Chronicle," Board of Ed, and "The New Negro" (January–June 1924) Part IV: The Struggle for International Colored Unity 16. ICUL, Midwest Tour, Board of Ed, NYPL, and 1925 (March 1924–December 1925) 17. NYC Talks, Workers School, and "Modern Quarterly" (January–September 1926) 18. Lafayette Theatre Strike, "Nigger Heaven," and Garvey Divorce (June–December 1926) 19. The "Pittsburgh Courier" and "The Voice of the Negro" (January–April 1927) 20. Last Months and Death (May–December 1927) Epilogue Acknowledgments Abbreviations Notes Index |